Cost Containment
In a world of increasing costs pressures and regulatory concerns, pharmacy services must not only be accurate, they must be cost efficient.
To support cost containment, PharmScript provides numerous tools and services to help organizations reduce spending, while maintaining quality care.
Preadmission Cost Review
Know exactly how much the medications for a patient will cost before they are admitted. Using our online portal, facilities can easily calculate fees and plan accordingly.
Formulary Program
Receive notifications when more cost-effective medications are available and can be appropriately substituted as part of a resident’s medication therapy. Our formulary program takes into account a resident’s entire treatment plan, and substitutes medication order only when clinically approved.
Dispensing Quantity
Set up high costs alerts and shorten supply when high costs are exceeded based on your facility’s preferred preferences.
Split Billing
Automatically split the cost of a prescription when insurance changes from Medicare part A to third party insurer while the patient is in the facility.